That’s My Dad

Have you ever, while casually observing a crowd of
people, seen someone that was a virtual look-a-like
to some celebrity you’ve seen in a movie or
magazine?  A few years ago, while attending a
wrestling match with my oldest son, I saw a man who
was a dead ringer for George McFly (the nerdy,
wimpy character in the movie “Back to the Future”).
At this point my son and I had already been engaged
in a conversation with another teenager from a
different school when I brought this up.  I said, “Do
you guys see that fellow down there?  Doesn’t he
look like George McFly?”  The teenager, in all
seriousness, replied, “That’s my dad.”  In an effort to
remove my foot from my mouth I could only reply,
“And a fine figure of a man he is too.”

Well, with all humiliation aside, I was greatly
impressed with the young man’s attitude about his
father.  He was proud of him and honored him in the
eyes of others.  Such a mind-set reminds me of what
Paul said in Ephesians 6:1-3: “Children…’Honor your
father and mother’”
(cf. Prov. 23:22-25).  My father
doesn’t look like anyone famous that I’m aware of, but
he is more popular to me than they ever will be; and,
as a godly man, has far more influence in my life then
they ever could…and I am proud to say of him,
“That’s my dad!”

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