That Big Tree

The Silver Maple

we can learn a lot from a tree

We can learn a lot from a tree.

We had a silver maple that was planted next to our home, many years before we moved in.  How many years?  No idea really.  In comparison to the home, the tree rose up and above the home’s highest two story peak.  To say that it was big, is not an exaggeration.  Was it solid?  Absolutely!  We had a tree service fall the tree for us since it was so close to our home.  The tree service moved pieces off the driveway, but left the clean up and cut up for us to handle.  Little by little I whittled away on the tree with saw and axe.  Slowly, I was able to size the tree into pieces to which I could move off my driveway.  By the next winter, the tree was warming someone’s home as it’s wood crackled in a fireplace.

How many things that tree must have seen over the years.  How many storms it must have endured.  How many children did it hold upon it’s limbs?  The tree was surely looked upon as stately and strong simply for the length of time it has been in its place.  Soon, not even the stump will remain of the once towering tree.  The tree could not defend itself against attack.

How many christians have been in their place for a long time (third pew on the right, back from the front, first place to sit).  How many are known simply for the length of time they have been in that place.  Due to longetivity, they have seen everyone come and go.  They know everyone in the building.  The have seen babies born, grow, and leave.  When their time comes though, will they be able to defend themselves.  Many brothers and sisters, though given ample opportunity, don’t know their bible.  They don’t read it outside of services. They don’t know their savior.  They don’t know their faith.  When it comes time for them to defend themselves scripturally, they cannot.  As the tree, when the time to defend themselves comes, they are cut down to size.

2Ti 2:15 Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth.

Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

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