Thank God for Lectureships

In the past two months I have been part of two lectureships (one in Ohio, the other in Indiana) and have been reminded of just how wonderful these events are. I understand the great interest many brethren have in such events.

Lectureships are a refreshing time of change from the mundane lives we live. Isn’t it so taxing on our spirits when we face the same routine day after

day, week after week? Even Jesus saw the necessity for a break from the rigors of life. He told the

disciples,“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). He and the

apostles separated themselves from the multitude and were refreshed. Lectureships do this for us!

Lectureships allow you to spend time with brethren. At the recent lectureships, I have had some of the most enjoyable times I could imagine simply by being with my brethren—not just during the lectures but in times between various sessions. I have rejoiced at seeing those I have known in the past, and have grown to love and appreciate the new ones I have met. These men and women are

going to be with me in heaven for all eternity. Time with them is a foretaste of heaven!

Lectureships challenge your thinking and rekindle new resolve. It is easy to become complacent and stagnate spiritually. Literally hundreds of hours are spent in preparation of lectures by those who speak, and I gain the benefit of all that time. Jesus described the kingdom being like a householder who brings new and old things out of his storehouse. Lectures remind me of things I have known in the past, and they open new horizons for study.

Lectureships increase faith in a faithless world. I live by faith; I walk by faith; I am saved by faith! But that faith only comes from time I spend hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17). There is little in daily life that allows me time to mediate on the really important things in life. There is almost nothing in the media, the news, TV, radio or movies that produces faith. If my life is filled with that which chokes out spiritual time, then I am dying and may not realize it! Lectureships are some of the most important times when our faith can increase dramatically in such a short time.

Now think about all of this in view of our upcoming lectureship. We are just weeks away from the time when every one of us can be refreshed, be with our brethren, be rekindled and increase our faith! Make your plans, now!

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