The Ten Lepers

Are You Among the Nine Lepers

It is difficult for us to imagine the emotions of the ten lepers who met Jesus in Luke chapter seventeen. For years, they had been outcasts, and then they stood before the Lord. He saw them and said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” As they went they were cleansed. Luke tells us that only one returned to express gratitude to the Savior, and he was the Samaritan. Jesus’ questions to him deserve careful consideration. “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?” Where would we have been if we had been cleansed by Him? How often do we fail to express gratitude for what He gives to us?


Lepers in black and white photo.

When have you given thanks for the blessing of living in this great land? Think of the strife that is around the world. Contrast that with the peace we have in our lives in this land of freedom. We had nothing to do with the land of our birth. Are you among the “nine” who have failed to give thanks?

When have you given thanks for your health? Even if it is bad, there are thousands and thousands of others who are worse off than you are. Think of how blessed we are to have the medicines and doctors to help us. Are you among the “nine” who  failed to give thanks?

When have you given thanks for your salvation by grace? Think of the events which brought those who taught you the gospel and lead to your relationship with the Lord. You did not arrive to the point of your salvation on your own. Paul’s words, “By the grace of God I am what I am,” are so true of each of us. Yet, so often we tend to take this greatest gift for granted. Are you among the “nine” who failed to give thanks?

When have you given thanks to our older members at this church? So many of them have worked tirelessly for decades to create/maintain all that makes this church what it is. We sit under the trees they have planted and eat the fruit from those same trees. Yet, sometimes we fail to thank them or God. Are you among the “nine” who failed to give thanks?

When have you given thanks to all those who do so much behind the scenes? It is not just many of our deacons who have the heart of a servant, but there are scores of others who have that kind of heart. There are so many who work with our teens, provide transportation, prepare events, teach Bible classes, etc. and often are never mentioned. Are you among the “nine” who failed to give thanks?

The “nine” had to be happy that they were cleansed, but what was lacking was a heart of thankfulness. The Bible is filled with admonitions to be thankful for what we have. May we never be among the “nine.”

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