
What Can Teenagers Do?

First, parents who are reading this, stop reading, stop reading and give this article to your child right now. I mean it. Stop reading this and let your children have it.

Children, you should know that the finest people in the world are associated with the churches of Christ. They are washed in the blood of the Lamb, zealous, dedicated, pure, strong and faithful (1 Jn. 2:14). Yet, God never intended Christianity to be a “NO” religion and especially you as teenagers have been told many things you cannot do. But, let me tell you what you CAN do.

Christianity is not a spectator sport, but demands involvement (1 Cor. 15:58; Matt. 25:24-26). So, if you are old enough to obey the Gospel, you are old enough to labor in the vineyard of Christ and don’t let anyone tell you any different. Teens, you should know there are no apprentice programs for salvation, no “try it before you buy it” plans for Christianity and you do not have to be 18 to be in the Lord’s army. Every worker in the kingdom is expected to use his talents, abilities and opportunities for the good of the group.

Teenagers, you can obey the Gospel because God want every sinner to come to Him. However, too many think they will become Christians later in life, but then never do (Eccl. 12:1). People become interested in their youth, but are disinterested as adults and many will be eternally lost because they decided not to decide (2 Thess. 1:8). As tender hearts say “Yes” to God, Satan whispers, “Later.” Sadly, many listen to the serpent.

God wants you and those you know in the water (Acts 2:38)! That is, if you believe that Christ is His son (Jn. 3;16), are willing to repent (Lk. 13:3), and confess His great name (Rom. 10:9-11). This is where it all beings and you cannot serve God until you do.

Teenagers, you can worship God. Have you ever stood in the presence of the governor of your state or been in a room with the leader of a country? Few have, but each of us has a much greater privilege each Sunday. We stand in the presence of the Maker of heaven and earth! This includes you as teenagers! So, do not ever miss an opportunity to worship God because He deserves the praises of every voice in the world, including yours. Never deny Him and His glory (Heb. 10:25). And, for you young men, you should be allowed and encouraged to take leading roles in worship. Elders, deacons and those who are over the youth do not just give them an assignment. This won’t do any good. TEACH THEM!! Teach these youth how to lead singing, how to preach, how to lead prayers and to work on the Lord’s Table.

Teens, God expects you as well as others to worship Him reverently (Jn. 4:24). So, worship is no time for talking, passing notes, sleeping, or cutting up. It is a time when hearts are focused on pleasing God and minds are filled with spiritual things (Matt. 5:6; Psa. 96:8).

Teenagers, live right. You know that some adults see the years of youth as a Mme to sow wild oats, but you sober–‐minded young people know better! These years belong to God (Eph. 5:16; 1 Cor. 6:19‐20) and He expects every one of His children to give Him a sanctified life (Tit. 2:6, 12; 1 Tim. 4;12, 15‐16). At whatever age, it is time now to be adding the Christian virtues (2 Pet. 1;5‐8) and to incorporate the beautiful attitudes (Matt. 5:3‐10). You know that sowing wild oats precipitates a harvest that no one wants (Gal. 6:7). Why pray for “crop failure” when there is a better way?

Teenagers don’t forget that you can be involved with the local church. Now obviously, you are not qualified to do everything that others might do. Elders and deacons are not taken from teenage classes. But because one cannot do some things does not mean you cannot do anything!

There are many things young people can do. In fact, their energy, free time and zeal allows them to do more than many adults. Young people are terrific at door knocking for meetings and Vacation Bible Schools. They meet people well; enjoy working with other teenagers and especially like the opportunity to do something real for Christ. Young people are good at visiting, especially with old people. It does the elderly so much good to see a young person coming with a flower or a hug. Young Christians are good about sending cards to the sick and delinquent members who do not come.

Teens, you are better at bringing friends to meetings and regular services than almost all adults. You can be good soul winners because of a wider circle of friends than most adults have and you will find that your friends have more open minds than many adults. For these reasons young Christians lead many souls to Christ (Mk. 16:15-16).

Young people, you have a bright future in the church. We treasure the opportunity to help you grow stronger. Listen closely; learn well, for in not too many years you will be where we are which is the most challenging thing you will ever do! O.K. teens, give the bulletin back to your parents.


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