Taking Responsibility

Taking Responsibility

Do you sometimes get the impression that we live in a society in which people blame others for their mistakes?  While this is certainly not always true, many times it has proven to be true.  Occasionally a criminal will blame his criminal behavior on how his mommy and daddy treated him as a child – and though he may be a product of his childhood environment, the bottom line is: who did the crime?

The Bible speaks of people who made mistakes (some “passed the buck” while others took responsibility).  For example…

The one-talent man tried to justify himself (Matt. 25:25): HE WAS NOT JUSTIFIED.  The publican said, “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Lk. 18:13): HE WAS JUSTIFIED.

King Saul blamed the people for His error (1 Sam. 15): HE WAS REJECTED.  The prodigal son blamed himself for his predicament (Lk. 15:21): HE WAS RECEIVED.

Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed Satan for their transgression (Gen. 3:12): THEY WERE DRIVEN OUT.  David said, “I have sinned against the Lord”
(2 Sam. 12:13):

Get the point?

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