Tag Archives: warning

Without Warning

Without Warning Less than 72 short hours before His arrest, crucifixion, and subsequent death and burial for the sins of the world, our Lord gave crucial answers to critical questions which are vital to the understanding of anyone hoping to … Read More

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Warned Over Your Iniquities

WARNING: CAUTION! BEWARE! The following, heavily scripturally-referenced article, requires very serious reader discretion. The biblical truth it contains will be very disturbing and upsetting to the spiritually faint of heart or culturally compromising Christian. It will only make sense to … Read More

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Heed the Warnings

Heed the Warnings My wife and I were born and then spent the vast majority of our lives living in Maine. Maine, where devastating winter “Nor’easters” can deliver blinding “white-outs,” single story snowdrifts, and several feet of snow as well … Read More

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