Tag Archives: unity

Atheist Churches

A House (of Athiests) Divided As I’m sure you’ve seen in the headlines in the last couple of years, churches for atheists are gaining quite a following. Sure, they maintain their staunch belief that God doesn’t exist, but they see … Read More

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Unity With jesus

Unity Between Jesus and Paul A new Christianity Today article called “Jesus vs. Paul” looks at the current debate among evangelical New Testament scholars (and their students) who seem to be divided into two main camps: those who emphasize Jesus … Read More

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Building by Unity

Building the Lord’s Body Requires Unity There are many endeavors in life. We may go to work, school, the voting booth, a baseball game, movie, concert, or some other event. Each of these activities requires a certain amount of involvement, … Read More

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Religious Unity

Is Religious Unity Possible Today? Throughout time people have asked the question of whether or not religious unity is possible. Most likely, this question is asked because so many different religions exist in our world and so many different “Christian” … Read More

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The Reconcilatory Power of Unity

The Psalmist declared, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Ps. 133:1). Nowhere can we see this more than in the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Consider the preparation for such … Read More

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