Tag Archives: unity

Understand the Bible?

Can We Understand the Bible Alike? The title is an understandable question, especially in light of the religious division and confusion that exists in Christendom today.  Of the counted minimum of two thousand different sects and faiths which proclaim to … Read More

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The Same Doctrine

Can’t We All Just Get Along? Have you ever wondered why there are so many different churches in the world?  The reason for this is because not everyone believes the same things when it comes to the doctrine of Christ. … Read More

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Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity… Does it Exist? Unity in diversity.  Yes, there is such a thing.  The Lord Jesus wants his disciples to be united, even at times when there seems to be tremendous differences between them.  Both Jesus and his … Read More

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Unity Together or Apart

Unity Together or Apart Here are a couple of sayings with which you may be familiar: “If you want something done, do it yourself.” “Never ask someone to do something you aren’t first willing to do yourself.” As humans, it seems we always have … Read More

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Staying Together

Aren’t We All In This Together? Aren’t we all in this together?  Why is it that so many people quit and move on to other things?  The multiplicities of choices that confront us on a daily basis mislead us to … Read More

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