Tag Archives: temptation


Weaknesses Life is tough. Temptations are difficult. It goes without saying that Satan, the great tempter, knows our weaknesses, for he knows that “… all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Yet, just as … Read More

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Sinner Temptation

When Sinners Entice “Come on!” “Why not?” “No one will know!” “What’s the harm?” We’ve all heard the enticing, felt the pressure, endured the ridicule, and on occasion given in to the temptation. However, we know that the sinner’s enticement … Read More

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Providing Temptation

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matt. 18:6). No … Read More

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I am Tempted by God

Temptation As you were browsing through the paper, did the title of this article jump out at you?  I was hoping it would. Some of you may have been thinking, “Wait a minute!  That’s not right.  God doesn’t do that” … Read More

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