Tag Archives: swine

Feral Swine of the Heart

Feral Swine of the Heart Feral swine are becoming more of a fearsome problem every day in the United States, with recent population estimates running as high as six million feral swine nationally, creating “1.5 billion in annual damages for … Read More

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For the Love of Swine

For the Love of Swine Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record a tragic event from Jesus’ life that occurred on His visit to a certain region whereafter He never returned as far as we know, all because the people there … Read More

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Beauty on the Beast? Proverbs 11:22, “As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.” Picture in your mind a gold ring. A ring made of the purest gold. Pretty, isn’t … Read More

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