Tag Archives: sodom

Much Will Be Required

Much Will Be Required There is an amazing truth which can so easily be overlooked. Jesus said, “For everyone to whom much is given, from Him much will be required” (Matt. 12:48) We understand the fairness and the logic behind … Read More

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Denying Genesis

It’s Not Just Genesis: Denying The Historicity of Genesis Does Not Uphold Biblical Christianity A few years ago my wife’s employer, a professed believer and follower of Jesus Christ, informed Beth of her belief that the events of the book … Read More

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Part 5 – Same Sex in Sodom

The Example of Sodom and Gomorrah Perhaps the most well-known Bible story used by some in an attempt to show God’s disapproval of homosexuality is the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (in Genesis 19).  But not everyone … Read More

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