Tag Archives: sinner’s prayer

A Sinner’s Prayer

Does God Hear a Sinner’s Prayer? In Acts 10, Luke records for us the conversion of Cornelius. As the angel of God tells him to send for the apostle Peter, when the apostle arrives at his house in Caesarea, this … Read More

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The Bible and Trust

There are some Biblical questions that I would like to respectfully request that you might earnestly ask some of your most ardent religious friends and neighbors who are denominational “church-goers” or church leaders to consider the next time you interact … Read More

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The Sinner’s Prayer of Faith

Church History: The Origin Of The Protestant “ Sinner’s Prayer Of Faith ” For Salvation (Did you know that NOT ONE Protestant Denomination in existence today, is more than 500 years old?) 1st Century: A.)  Christ’s church foretold: Matthew 16:18-19 … Read More

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