Tag Archives: saved

Saved by Works?

Baptism: Are We Saved By Works? This series of articles which studies what the Bible says about baptism has shown how the Scriptures teach that baptism is something one must do in order to be saved and have sins forgiven … Read More

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Understand Your Salvation

What Does the Bible Say about Salvation? Some individuals and groups claim that the salvation coming by God is accomplished by a singular thing such as grace, belief, or faith. The Bible refutes such teaching. Salvation absolutely includes these items … Read More

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Saved and Lost?

Can the Saved be Lost? Many believe and teach that once an individual is saved he cannot be lost.  However, the Scriptures clearly teach that a child of God can forfeit his salvation and be eternally lost.  Many passages speak … Read More

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Saved by Works?

Saved by Works There are at least four types of “works” noted in the Bible:  “Works” of the Flesh (Gal. 5:19-21); Works of Merit (Titus 3:5); “Works” of the Law of Moses (Rom. 3:20); and “Works” of Righteousness (i.e., works … Read More

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The By-Products of Salvation

I was watching a television show the other day in which an experienced chef was training a kitchen staff in preparing a new menu item. The menu item would call for half a chicken (in which two orders could be … Read More

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