Tag Archives: satan

Satan the Enemy of All that is Right

2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. When writing to the Corinthians in his second epistle, Paul made a remark about Satan in the context of Christians forgiving … Read More

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Portrait of Satan

So just what does Satan look like? The media gives him the appearance of a monster, with a head shaped like a goat. Artists have given him the form of a man with his own identifiable beard and with horns … Read More

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Matthew 4:1-11 – Jesus tempted by Satan

Vs. 1 – Closely following the Spirit’s acknowledgement of Jesus, the Spirit directs Jesus to go into this wilderness where He would be tempted by Satan. Mark records that there were “wild animals” in this wilderness (Mark 1:13). The wilderness … Read More

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