Tag Archives: parable

Luke 16 a Parable?

The Rich Man and Lazarus—A Parable??? The story of the rich man and Lazarus found in Luke 16 has fascinated Bible students for years. While they lived on this earth, the wealth of one and the poverty of the other … Read More

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Those Priceless Parables

The term “parable” is defined as “a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson.”  Literally it means, “a throwing alongside” (i.e., one thing is placed along side another for the purpose of comparison).  Often described as “an earthly message … Read More

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Hidden Treasure

Recently there was great excitement among moviegoers as the latest version of the “Indiana Jones” series hit theaters this past week.  The series portrays the main character as a whip-cracking archeologist who has an uncanny knack for discovering priceless treasures … Read More

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