Tag Archives: lust

Sin of Lust

Heart of the Matter: Lust In a hyper-sexualized nation we have almost become desensitized to it: lust. Scantily clad billboards are the norm. Restaurants featuring immodestly dressed women are not just doing well—they are thriving and new chains, also featuring immodest waitresses, are … Read More

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I am Tempted by God

Temptation As you were browsing through the paper, did the title of this article jump out at you?  I was hoping it would. Some of you may have been thinking, “Wait a minute!  That’s not right.  God doesn’t do that” … Read More

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The Unspoken Sin: Pornography Imagine, for a moment, a visit to your local doctor’s office. As you sit in the waiting room, you read statistics indicating that at least 10 of the 20 other people in the waiting room have … Read More

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