Tag Archives: live

You Will Die, But You Can Live!

You Will Die, But You Can Live! It is mid-September a I sit down to compose this article. COVID continues to ravage and wreak havoc amongst our families, churches, schools, communities, state, and nation. There is probably no one at … Read More

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The Death of Hezekiah

You Shall Die and Not Live Hezekiah had truly been one of the greatest kings of the Jews. After the vast army of Assyria overthrew the northern kingdom of Israel and scattered those ten tribes among all the nation, they … Read More

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Heaven or Earth?

Heaven or Earth? There is a song entitled, “I’ll live in Glory” that is sung at many congregations. Its first line reads “I’d like to stay here longer than man’s allotted days”. The reference is to staying upon the earth. … Read More

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Don’t Live Too Long

Don’t Live Too Long I clearly remember hearing my grandmother say, “Getting old ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.” When I mentioned this to Fran Reynolds (older members will know who she was), she said, “No it’s not. It … Read More

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