Tag Archives: leader

Confusing Leaders

Confusing Leaders Churches of Christ are technically “elder-led” (1 Peter 5:1-3). They use various Scriptures to point out that it is the elders that shepherd the flock and guide them in their walk with God, during worship and also keep … Read More

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Leader from Youth

Youth Can Be Leaders Too! Although adults have the responsibility of leading, young people can be leaders, too. I cringe whenever I hear various ones pray for our youth and refer to them as “the church of tomorrow,” because while … Read More

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King Jesus

Scripturally speaking, the “church” and the “Kingdom” are synonyms for the same institution. Those today who refuse to accept, acknowledge, and respect the church of Christ (Romans 16:16), which is Christ’s Kingdom (Matthew 16:18-19), precisely as King Jesus established it … Read More

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