Tag Archives: kingdom

Understanding the Kingdom

Understanding the Kingdom Our world is so blinded by the teaching of many about the kingdom of God. It has always been this way. When Jesus was on this earth, many expected Him to establish a kingdom like those kingdoms … Read More

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The Kingdom of Christ

Christ’s Kingdom Contrary to popular belief, Christ’s kingdom exists today. Paul writes to “the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colossae” (Col. 1:2), and mentions the Heavenly Father “who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, … Read More

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Kingdom Come?

Has the Kingdom Come? One of the most prevalent false doctrines in a general religious sense relating to the theme of eschatology, or “The End Times,” is the doctrine of premillennialism. Many religious people believe that when Christ returns, it … Read More

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Jesus Christ Has All Authority

Jesus Christ has ALL Authority in religious matters today. From the very first sin of man in the Garden of Eden, God had promised to send a deliverer, a messiah to bring about the complete reconciliation of man to God. … Read More

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King Jesus

Scripturally speaking, the “church” and the “Kingdom” are synonyms for the same institution. Those today who refuse to accept, acknowledge, and respect the church of Christ (Romans 16:16), which is Christ’s Kingdom (Matthew 16:18-19), precisely as King Jesus established it … Read More

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