Tag Archives: Job

Job 2:7-13

Please open your Bibles to Job 2:7-13. Vs. 7-8 – Satan unleashes his second sortie against Job afflicted Job with a terrible disease. From the various descriptions of Job’s condition in the book (Job 2:8; 7:4-5; 13:14; 13:28; 16:16; 16:8; … Read More

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Job 2:1-6

Satan’s Second Strike Vs. 1 – 3 – The first two verses of this chapter are virtually identical to chapter one verse six, seven, and eight (see comments on those verses). The point of this repetition is to make it … Read More

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Job 1:6-12

A Heavenly Scene Reveals a Satanic Plot Vs. 6 – Who are the “sons of God” in this verse? Whoever they were, they had an appointment to present themselves before God. No doubt these are created beings. A casual reading … Read More

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