Tag Archives: Job

Exalting His Resurrection

Exalting His Resurrection The central event in the history of mankind is the resurrection of Jesus. Without it, death is the victorious enemy of all mortals. Without it, death comes, and all our dreams, aspirations and future plans come to … Read More

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Lessons from Eliphaz

Lessons from Eliphaz In the final indictment of Job by his supposed friend Eliphaz in chapter 22, one thing I noticed is that Eliphaz accuses Job of the following: “Is not your evil abundant?  There is no end to your … Read More

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Faithful Friend

A Faithful Friend In Job 16:2 Job responds to his “friends” by telling them, “Miserable comforters are you all!” Job was experiencing more trial and heartache than anyone could possibly bear and needed the comfort and compassion of a true … Read More

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The Almighty

The One Who Stands Between Us and the Almighty His friends were no help. True enough, they had heard of his plight and had come to him, but they only looked at him as he suffered and said nothing. How … Read More

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