Tag Archives: Islam

Quran, Allah, and God

Allah Vs. the God of the Bible An honest and objective reading of both the Quran and the Bible reveals a significant clash between the two both in terms of how to conceptualize God, as well as in their respective … Read More

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Afterlife and the Quran

Afterlife and the Quran The Quran’s portrayal of afterlife and the spirit realm is a confused hodge-podge of borrowed ideas from a variety of sources, as well as the author’s own misconceptions. While the Bible does not clarify every aspect … Read More

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Islam and Women

Behind the Veil Oftentimes the sight of a burqa—the traditional cloak worn by Muslim women—causes us to pause and stare. This vision, and the world it represents, is so foreign to many Christians, that for many, it floods us with … Read More

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Husband and Wife in the Quran

Husband and Wife in the Quran The Islamic world has not distinguished itself over the centuries in its respect for and kind treatment of women (Austen, 2012; Thompson, 2011; Kotz, 2009; “Melbourne Islamic…,” 2009; “Missouri Couple…,” 1991; “Father of…,” 2008; … Read More

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Visions, inspired knowledge, revelations, there are folks today who claim to have these. They often claim these are from the creator of all things. Below are four specific individuals responsible for religions based on their “revelations”. Following brief descriptions of … Read More

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