Tag Archives: humble

Humility Importance

The Importance of Humility The Psalmist tells us that God distances himself from the proud (Ps. 138:6).  In fact, a proud look not only separates one from God, it causes one to incur his wrath!  This is undoubtedly why James … Read More

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The Humility of Jesus

Referencing Matthew 11:28-30, Johnston Oatman, Jr. wrote the lyrics, “There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus” in 1895. In such, he was referring to the humility of Jesus as He described Himself: Come unto me, all ye that labour … Read More

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From Humility to Humility

There is an interesting lesson in how Paul began his epistles. In just about every one, he refers to him being an apostle to establish his authority: • “Paul…called to be an apostle” (Rom. 1:1) • “Paul, called to be … Read More

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Pride:  The Greatest Sin Problem If you were to be asked, “What is the greatest ‘sin problem’ we face in the world today?” what would you say? How would you respond? Would you say “The sin of homosexuality?” “Sexual immorality?” … Read More

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