Tag Archives: humble

He Humbled Himself

He Humbled Himself A little humility can turn a frown into a smile; a lot of humility can turn an enemy into a friend. The Bible teaches these truths. Paul wrote of Jesus, “And being found in appearance as a … Read More

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On Being Offended

On Being Offended We just “love” to be offended in our society.  Look around and see the great lengths to which we go to avoid offence: privacy policies, anti-religious judgments, racial tensions, anti-police demonstrations, economic protests, law suits.  We don’t … Read More

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Humbling and Exalting

Humbling and Exalting In Romans, chapter one, we are told that “since the creation of the world [God’s] invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made” (Vs. 20), and that it is therefore both foolish … Read More

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