Tag Archives: humanism

Untrained Children

Fighting Atheism’s Influence in the Home God does exist. All of the best-sellers in the world that espouse otherwise will not change that fact. But if we really expect our children to believe and follow the One True Living God, we must start thinking outside … Read More

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Only God is Good

The Scariest Verse in the Bible Humanism can be defined as a system of thought that rejects religious beliefs and centers on humans, their values, capacities, and worth. It is a belief system that places humans at the top. In … Read More

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Unequal Separation

Separation of Church and State Children are taught religion every single day at school. Granted, it is not a Judeo-Christian religion that is teaching them a biblical worldview, or even a religion that acknowledges the one True Living God. Nevertheless, … Read More

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Humanism and Authority

Autonomous Man Holds No Authority In 1973 the American Humanist Association came out with Humanist Manifesto II.  In this document, among other things, is found this statement: “We believe in maximum individual autonomy consonant with social responsibility.”  The document goes … Read More

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