Tag Archives: godly

Ungodly to Christians

Ungodly Men will Never Understand Godly Men Christians in that first-century world faced such great challenges. The pagan world had such a profound impact on mankind that even their religions were given over to sensuality. When men became Christians there … Read More

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Great is the Mystery of Godliness When we look at the purpose statement for Paul’s first epistle to his young protégé, Timothy, then we see that the “the mystery of godliness” comes to the forefront (1 Tim. 3:14- 16). Yet, … Read More

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David and Saul

God Helps the Godly, Always! The account of David’s flight from King Saul is filled with vivid description of just how much hate the king had for the son of Jesse. First Samuel chapters 22 and 23 give such great … Read More

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Are You Godly?

How Godly Do You Look? A Christian is defined as a person who has, by faith, received and fully trusted in Jesus Christ as the only Savior (Jn. 3:16). This means, they have heard and believed in Him (Rom. 10) … Read More

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