Tag Archives: fish

Jonah Chapter 2

Jonah Chapter 2 Jonah chapter 2 is a chapter that resonates with many people who have felt like the have hit bottom.  Perhaps it is an endless line of failure in relationships, jobs, or some earthly goal.  Maybe the issue … Read More

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Jonah Chapter 1

Jonah Chapter 1 Jonah chapter 1 is a book that I have used many times to describe salvation.  It starts out with a proclaimed follower of God, the prophet Jonah.  He is disobedient to God.  How many people in this … Read More

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A Lesson in Galilee

Among so Many Our Lord had sent out the twelve on the limited commission of going to the Jews to tell them about the coming Kingdom. They had been given power to heal the sick and to cast out demons … Read More

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