Tag Archives: Father

Prayer life?

How’s Our Prayer Life? It is my sincere hope that all of us pray to our Father in heaven, and pray often.  The Bible says to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17), and we should remember that this verse is … Read More

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God, Our Father

God, Our Father The first thing that Jesus gave to His disciples as a model for their prayers is a portrait of God. John records, “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in … Read More

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Storm Danger

A Father and a Storm Recently, a deadly tornado touched down in Westport, Oklahoma, and wound it’s devastating path and tentacles of destruction due east into Sand Springs, near Tulsa. My 28 year-old daughter was driving home, due west from … Read More

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I’m Proud of you Son

Proud of You “A wise son makes a father glad…” (Prov. 15:20).   I remember a time, when I was about four years old, when I said something disrespectful to an uncle whom we were visiting.  Shortly afterward, feeling guilty, … Read More

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