Tag Archives: fallen

Now Fallen

Now Fallen It is inevitable, inescapable, and absolutely unavoidable. It is every inch as certain as “death and taxes” and ought to be added to that adage of the “dynamic duo” in order to transform it into the truer and … Read More

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Haunted Houses of the Formerly Faithful

Haunted Houses; Lifeless Lives You see them all over town – empty, vacant, hollow and haunted-looking. Of what am I speaking? The now darkened and deserted houses that dot the town’s geography where formerly happy families once lived, laughed, loved, … Read More

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Saved and Lost?

Can the Saved be Lost? Many believe and teach that once an individual is saved he cannot be lost.  However, the Scriptures clearly teach that a child of God can forfeit his salvation and be eternally lost.  Many passages speak … Read More

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Devil an Angel?

Was the Devil Once an Angel? In the Bible it says that the Devil was once an angel. How is this possible if the Devil is so evil? In answer to this question let me first say that I search … Read More

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