Tag Archives: division


DIVISION, O  DIVIDIENDO? La tremenda confusión en la que se encuentran todas las denominaciones es impresionante. Sin embargo tales cortinas de humo no deberían de empañar el panorama en las Iglesia de Cristo (1Co 14:40). Lamentablemente el numero de Iglesias … Read More

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The Same Doctrine

Can’t We All Just Get Along? Have you ever wondered why there are so many different churches in the world?  The reason for this is because not everyone believes the same things when it comes to the doctrine of Christ. … Read More

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Unity Together or Apart

Unity Together or Apart Here are a couple of sayings with which you may be familiar: “If you want something done, do it yourself.” “Never ask someone to do something you aren’t first willing to do yourself.” As humans, it seems we always have … Read More

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The Division of the Earth?

Peleg, Pangaea, and Genesis 10:25 Contrary to the opinion of many people, the Bible and science are in complete harmony with each other. When an apparent conflict presents itself, one can be assured that no genuine contradiction actually exists. Once … Read More

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