Tag Archives: Deception

The Sin of Lying

The Sin of Lying Of all the sins that man may commit, lying is perhaps the most destructive. Lies, per se, aren’t all that harmful; they’re just words, but their consequences are destructive. When people base their decisions on lies, … Read More

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Only a Masquerade

Masquerading New Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus of the English Language define “masquerading” as “to wear a disguise, to put on a false outward show.” This word, along with the closely related word “mask,” both etymologically descend from Spanish derivatives. Thus, … Read More

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Deception of Sin

A Matter of Perception Many years ago, I got to see sin up close and personal. I saw its intention. I saw its form. I saw its effects. It was ugly. You may wonder what particular sin that it is … Read More

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Truth, Ignorance, Deception

Does God exist? Are there multiple gods? Is man his own god? These questions have drawn lines across the world. These questions affect not only relationships between people, but those between people and their governments. Under some governments, certain religions … Read More

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