Tag Archives: debt

The Minimum Due

Debt is a big issue in the United States. The level of debt undertaken in the last few years alone by the United States government is unprecedented. Debt should always be a high priority, but at its current state, it … Read More

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In Debt and I Love It

We are living in a time, culture and generation in which the term “debt” is rapidly becoming a negative, despised term. The United States government certainly does not set a gold example for her citizens when it comes to debt, … Read More

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God had a Debt and He Paid It

In 598 B.C., the army of Babylon, led by their king, Nebuchadnezzar, besieged the city of Tyre. This ancient city was one of the wealthiest cities of the world because of their merchant ships which traversed the known world. However, … Read More

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