Tag Archives: committment

Playing at Church

Playing at Church  As was so well-chronicled and documented by the most recent and magnificent issue of the Spiritual Sword (Volume 47, January 2016, No. 2), denominationalism is indeed on the decline. This, as many are apparently growing sick and … Read More

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Evangelism & The High Dive

Evangelism and Jumping Off the High Dive Every summer, sprinklers, pools, ponds, lakes, creeks, rivers, and oceans are invaded by swarms of people looking to escape the heat. Water is wonderful! It offers a refreshing playground in which to frolic. … Read More

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The Life of Christ

I Gave My Life For Thee “He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again” (2 Corinthians 5:15). Located in the Bayerische Staatsmuseum in Munich … Read More

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