Tag Archives: body

Body, Spirit, and Soul?

What is the difference between body, spirit, and soul? First, I am assuming that you are referring to an individual person. Second, I am also assuming that you are asking this question in reference to what the Bible teaches or … Read More

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What is this Body?

We have all heard the old saying, “You are what you eat.” To a certain degree this is true – if you eat food that is high in fat, unless you exercise, you will become overweight – you will become … Read More

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Destroy the Body?

Don’t Y’all Destroy the Body Sometimes, the old King James Version is the clearest translation to see the message God gave. We no longer use the word “ye” as the plural of “you,” but they did in the days of … Read More

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God’s Existence in Your Body

When the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, He left behind amazing proof that mankind is not simply the result of a “big bang” billions of years ago. Design demands a designer and our Designer has … Read More

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