Tag Archives: beer

St. Paddy’s Day Fallout: Alcoholic Beverages

St. Paddy’s Day Fallout: Social Drinking It is inevitable that objections come whenever biblical truth is proclaimed.  There are several reasons for this.  Some might sincerely object out of ignorance to what the entirety of the Scriptures teach on a … Read More

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Examining Beverage Alcohol

Take One Down and Pass It Around Having looked into the tearful eyes of parents whose children have abandoned the Faith, I have learned there are a million miles between our children “going through the motions” in reference to their … Read More

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Alcohol and Sin

Alcohol and Sin Alcohol is a device Satan uses to deceitfully destroy the lives and souls of many people.  Over 1/3rd of Americans drink, meaning that, 10 billion is spent on liquor every year.  Thus, it is sad to consider … Read More

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When is Alcohol a Reward?

I recently flew Southwest Airlines between Nashville and Austin, and as I was browsing through the magazine in the pocket in front of me, I noticed that on special occasions, they would give away a complimentary alcoholic beverage. I believe … Read More

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