Tag Archives: baby

Babies Inherit sin?

Babies Inherit sin? In a past article (https://churchofchristarticles.com/blog/administrator/born-in-sin/), we looked at Psalm 51:5 to see if that verse taught that babies are born in sin. It did not, because it is a subjective, figurative statement about David’s felt guilt, not … Read More

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Born in Sin

Born in Sin Does Psalm 51:5 teach that babies are born in sin? The New King James Version translates Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,And in sin my mother conceived me.” The English Standard Version, American Standard … Read More

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Miracle Baby

Some years ago there was a storm that went through the upper Midwest.  The news reported that a tornado passed through a residential area and a baby was swept away.  No doubt, that was an emotionally tumultuous evening for the … Read More

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