Tag Archives: ashamed

Feeling Shame

Feeling Ashamed The Bible teaches that there are some things that we should be ashamed of and there are other things that we should not be ashamed of.  Ezra was ashamed of the sin that Israel had committed against God.  … Read More

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Are You Ashamed?

When I Am Ashamed—My Belly Is My God There is a marked contrast between Paul’s attitude when he said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” (Rom. 1:16), and the attitude so many have today. Tragically, there were … Read More

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Echo of the Gospel

Do You Hear the Echo? The church at Thessalonica had a very special place in the heart of Paul. He arrived in that city from his prison experience in Philippi, and, as his custom was, he entered the synagogue to … Read More

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Not Ashamed of the Gospel The negative impact of an Anti-Christ society. In the news media and academia there is a “cult of non-belief.” The “intellectual elite” assumes that stupidity accompanies religious conviction! About 57% of Americans do not attend … Read More

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