Tag Archives: ark

Down Came the Rain

The Screams Heard Round the World In late August, 2005, hurricane Katrina ripped through southern portions of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. While citizens in New Orleans dodged a direct hit from this major storm, the intense rain eventually proved too … Read More

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Ark of the Covenant

“Contradictions” Regarding the Ark of the Covenant How does the “20 years” reference in 1 Samuel 7:2 harmonize with the fact that the ark was not brought from Kirjath-jearim until 2 Samuel 6:4—more than 40 years later? Even though God’s … Read More

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Righteous and the Eight

Are You Among the Eight In a recent article we discussed how only one of the ten lepers Jesus cleansed came to express gratitude, and Jesus asked the question, “Where are the nine?” We entitled that article “Are You Among … Read More

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Noah Movie Sinks

“I thought the movie really filled in some details for me that the Bible didn’t cover.” That was one of the first comments I received after attending the movie Noah with a group of about 100 public-school students. These were … Read More

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