Tag Archives: animals

Caring for your Animals

Caring for your Animals “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.” (Proverbs 12:10 KJV) For the Israelite people from every walk of life domesticated animals and livestock were an … Read More

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Down Came the Rain

The Screams Heard Round the World In late August, 2005, hurricane Katrina ripped through southern portions of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. While citizens in New Orleans dodged a direct hit from this major storm, the intense rain eventually proved too … Read More

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¿QUIERE GANAR ALMAS? PREDIQUE LA PALABRA Y SOLO LA PALABRA. Recientemente escuche acerca de una jira médica organizada por cierto grupo de hermanos a Panamá y dentro de esta misión estaba incluida, un campaña veterinaria para perros, gatos y demás. … Read More

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