Tag Archives: America

Good Stewardship in America

Good Stewardship “Courage is being scared to death…. but saddling up anyway.” Good stewardship by the United States Government (“We the People”) is failing miserably. Good stewardship is at the heart of Biblical expectation. Therefore, as a Christian Nation enjoying … Read More

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Islam vs. America Have you ever stopped to think just why Islamic fundamentalists truly hate America? Is their “Jihad” (holy war) against America because of their hatred for the Christian  religion? No, that is not the reason they hate America. … Read More

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Slaves that Don’t Work

Recently, a good friend of mine gifted a book to me called “Slave”.  The book is written by John MacArthur.  Though it ultimately contains a Calvinist flavor which is a sorely faulty doctrine, the information and viewpoint the book has … Read More

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