Tag Archives: age

It Changed in Genesis

It Changed in Genesis “Mommy, Mimi isn’t that old, is she?” This is the innocent response of a child upon hearing that Adam lived to be 930 years old (Genesis 5:5). It does not take long when reading through the … Read More

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If You Don’t Mind Me Asking… How Old Are You? Ask most twelve year-olds who holds the record for living the longest and they will likely turn to the Guinness World Records and proclaim “Jeanne Louis Calment of France” who … Read More

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Don’t Live Too Long

Don’t Live Too Long I clearly remember hearing my grandmother say, “Getting old ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.” When I mentioned this to Fran Reynolds (older members will know who she was), she said, “No it’s not. It … Read More

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Older People

“THE BIBLE TEACHES RESPECT FOR OLDER PEOPLE” How do you look upon older people? What do you think about getting older? How has your concept of age been affected by our society? OUR SOCIETY GLORIFIES YOUTH AND DESPISES AGE This … Read More

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Bible by Period

RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE BIBLE BY PERIOD 2 Timothy 2:15 1.         The Antediluvian Period — This covers from Creation to Noah’s Flood. Ante means before (i.e., the great flood). 2.         The Postdiluvian Period — This covers from Noah’s Flood to the … Read More

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