Tag Archives: abortion

God Hates Abortion

God Hates Abortion (Warning:  This article will contain descriptions and pictures of aborted infants which are quite gruesome.  Please do not read this article if you are easily offended or physically sickened by unedited pictures of violence done to human … Read More

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Don’t Have an Abortion

Heart of the Matter – Please, Please Don’t Having looked into the tearful eyes of parents whose children have abandoned the faith, I have learned that there are a million miles between our children “going through the motions” in reference … Read More

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The Pope and Sin

The Pope and Sin As the pope’s visit to America approaches, he has announced that this year local priests can absolve individuals of the sin of abortion. Prior to this announcement, forgiving this sin was restricted to those of a … Read More

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Abortion: Roe Vs. Wade

Another Year, Another Million: Roe v. Wade It’s that time of year again… 41 years ago tomorrow [January 22, 2014] our nation will see another anniversary of the most grievous ruling our nation, and arguably any nation in history, has ever … Read More

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