Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

Christians Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

If you call yourself a Christian and you support same-sex marriage you are part of the problem. You have compromised Scripture and sided with the evil one, and you don’t really hold that the Bible is infallible—all while telling the world that you are a follower of Christ.homosexual marriage


The only way you could support homosexuality and same-sex marriage is by believing one of the following:

1. The Bible doesn’t really mean what it says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Romans 1:26-32; 1 Timothy 1:9-11: Genesis 19; Leviticus 18)—or that the Bible is wrong in those passages. Which means you don’t really hold the Bible is infallible.

2. You believe that times have changed and we should change with our culture—that we should just “love everyone.” Which means you believe our culture’s voice has more authority than God-breathed Scripture, and you are willing to compromise whatever way culture pressures you.

3. You honestly believe every Christian and biblical scholar interpreted the text wrong for roughly 2000 years, until we came along and were “enlightened.” Which means you believe you are smarter than every theologian that has lived for the past 2000 years and that every passage is now up for debate from “enlightened” Christians of today.

4. You honestly believe that God “made them that way” and therefore they can’t help it. Which means you have not informed yourself of the research that clearly shows there is no genetic cause for homosexuality. It also means you believe God would set individuals up to sin. And it means Paul was mistaken/lying in 1 Corinthians 6 when he pointed out to former practicing homosexuals, “such were some of you,” meaning they had the ability to change.

If you are willing to compromise Scripture then please stop calling yourself a Christian. Call yourself something that makes you feel good and warm inside (i.e., Pride Patriots), but stop robbing the term follower of Christ. Pride might be a catchy slogan, but take a minute to read what the Bible has to say about it (Proverbs 16:18).

If you proclaim to be a Christian and support same-sex marriage and homosexuality then you have laid down your cross and are no longer following Christ—you have ultimately sided with Satan. This massive compromise is what has led our culture into problems like transgenderism, pedophilia, throuples, etc.–because Christians refuse to take a hard stand and tell those around them that it is wrong and sinful.

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