Stay Out of the Darkness

Stay Out of the Darkness

It is no secret; lights shine the brightest on the darkest of backgrounds. That’s why diamonds are often displayed on black velvet backdrops. High-intensity lighting is then directed at them, which they in turn reflect to the world around them. We, as God’s people, are described in a spiritually similar manner (Matt. 5:14-16; Phil. 2:14-16). Jesus Christ, the Light of the world (Jn. 8:12, 9:5), has shone His love and grace upon and saved us, so that we in turn, can then reflect and shine His light of hope and help into the dark world around us. And let’s face it folks; the world is in a very dark place these days. Even we, as God’s chosen and elect but still human children can sometimes lose a little bit of our hope, shine, and luster, becoming anxious in these testing and trying times. And if that’s the case with us, can you even begin to imagine the despair, darkness, and devastating hopelessness of those without God and His word at this time (Eph. 2:12)?

darkness hand

Don’t be pushed into darkness, come out into the light.

That’s where we as God’s children, need desperately to come in. Brethren, NOW is the time… THE time to share with your friends, neighbors, social media contacts and everyone else you know, the everlasting help and hope that you have in Christ Jesus. I believe that more people than usual, will be more open than usual, to the hope of the gospel, due to the current crisis (Rom. 8:28). In just the past few days, I have been put in touch with two local folks seeking information through our House-to-House mail-out. I plan to send out resources to both of them later on today, including a Searching For Truth DVD to one, as well as a first Bible Correspondence Course to the other. On top of that, there is an adult family member of one of our very faithful family units here in the congregation where I am privileged to serve, who – thanks to seeds planted in the past that seem to be coming to fruition – is now seeking more answers to their Bible questions – particularly regarding being baptized into Christ – and with whom I am blessed by God to have a Bible study scheduled for later on today. Please pray for all three of these efforts.

When our first-century brethren were scattered and could no longer assemble as a congregation of the Lord’s church in Jerusalem due to the deadly danger there, what did they do? They preached the word everywhere they went (Acts 8:1-4). What happened? “A great number believed and turned to the Lord,” “And a great many people were added to the Lord” (See: Acts 11:19-24).

Brethren, our world today is completely consumed in Coronavirus darkness and desperately needing and looking for the Light we have been given. So don’t horde and hide it; have at and high-beam it! Our 2020 vision is still as clear as ever – to seek and to save the lost (Lk. 19:10; Matt. 28:18-20) – despite even this incredible darkness (Psa. 139:11-12)! God bless!

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