Stay at Home Moms

Stay at Home Moms

A letter to my wife and all those women who made the decision to stay home and raise their children:

Society looks down on you for your chosen occupation. They would say that what you do is not “producing” for our community, and that it is not intellectually stimulating. They look down on you and utter the word “housewife” in a derogatory fashion. I see the way your eyes go down when you are in a group and other women are declaring their latest conquest at the office. Some have deemed you as old fashioned or lazy. But I know the truth.

I know that your job never ends. I know the reality show on “America’s Toughest Jobs” has overlooked your occupation. There is not a time-clock that allows you to punch out and go home. (I know the dirty little secret that some ladies chose to work outside the home because deep down they know homemaking is harder.) I know that you don’t just wear a single hat, but rather you are a cook, nurse, educator, cleaner, encourager, referee, chauffeur, etc.

Furthermore, I know that because your career does not “pay” out in money, you may not be wearing the latest fashions. In fact, you may be wearing a dress that is 5 years old and has a few small tears in it. Your children may not be dressed in name brand clothes or have the latest toys. Your car may be a little older, and your house may not be a “Martha Stewart” showcase. I know there may be months when there are more bills than there is money.

But deep down you know that’s okay. Because what you are producing will pay off big in eternity.

I also know the “product” you are producing is invaluable to our community. I see it every weekend as I travel. I see children who were raised in a godly home with love, discipline, respect, and nurturing. And then I see those who were not.

I see children who are advanced in learning and able to look adults in the eye when they speak–children who recognize this world is not all about them. And I see children who were dropped off at a day-care center and tended to by someone worried more about a paycheck than the child’s soul. I recognize that it is politically incorrect to point out this difference, but I still see it, and appreciate you for it.

I know from all of my studies, research, and observation that you are the biggest hope we have to fix the problems in the church. Oh we look to dynamic preachers and elders and deacons to build programs and stop the mass exodus of young people–but the reality is that you hold the key. While we don’t like to preach this from the pulpit (as we may offend some) God’s way is still the best. For you have chosen a Biblical career path that will fortify future generations. Again, in an effort to be politically correct we don’t like to point out what the Bible says about homemaking (Titus 2) or teaching our children diligently (Deu. 6). But it is still in there.

So I say thank you today.

Thank you for all the little things you do that I never see. Thank you for all of the small moments with your children that cannot be purchased. Thank you for sacrificing and thank you for seeing His big picture. The product you are producing in raising godly children is truly priceless!

“Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her” (Proverbs 31:28)

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