Standing Up

Stand, Defend, Prepare

In 1 Chronicles 21:1 we read a chilling state-ment, “Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David…” Because David gave in to the temptation of Satan God was “displeased” and “smote Israel” (v. 7). To David’s credit he took responsibility for his own actions, repented, and offered sacrifices to God.

Peter warns us to be sober minded and vigilant to defend ourselves from our “adversary” (1 Peter 5:8). When Satan stands up against us and provokes us to sin we have the choice of standing up against him and defending ourselves or giving in to the temptation. James makes it clear that the choice is ours (James 1:14). We need to stop blaming Satan and everyone else and turn a critical eye upon ourselves.

Secondly, we see David taking upon himself the responsibility of preparing for his son to serve the Lord, charging him in serve God, and praying for his son’s wisdom (1 Chronicles 22:1–6, 12). Before he died he wanted to ensure that his son would follow the Lord, and David, to an eternal reward. And that his son would have the wisdom to serve God and lead His people against Satan.

We bear a great responsibility in not only preparing ourselves for eternity but to prepare the next generation to be obedient and faithful unto the Lord as well. This begins with us standing up against Satan when he stands up against us. Setting an example for our children and arming them (Ephesians 6:11–13) with the necessary tools to “fight the good fight” (2 Timothy 4:7).

Satan is going to stand up against us. He is going to tempt us as he tempted Christ (Hebrews 4:15), he is going to attempt to deceive us (Revelation 12:9), hinder us (1 Thessalonians 2:18), and try to stop the Lord’s will from being done (Matthew 16:23). Brethren, stand, defend, and prepare; and “Be not over-come of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). [Tim]

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