Spiritual Junk Food

Don’t Fill Your Life with Spiritual Junk Food

Satan is real, and he knows how to keep humans preoccupied with things that ultimately don’t matter much. Humans spend countless hours enjoying things like sports, crafts, and various hobbies. While these things are not wrong in-and-of themselves, they can often take our focus away from things of eternal importance. Sadly, in our culture these activities are so popular that most Christians never question them or consider how much time they devote to such activities. As a result, many Christians are physically fit and talented at their hobbies, but they are starving spiritually.

What is it that truly satisfies you?

What is it that truly satisfies you?

Sadly, many congregations feed this problem. Rather than digging deeper into the word congregations will plan fluffy and fun activities that entertain. Rather than feeding the flock, many elderships have become masters at entertaining the flock and keeping them busy.

All the while our congregations get spiritually weaker as souls starve for the Word.

Here’s what I intend to teach my children regarding feeding their souls.

One of the toughest things I can teach you is how to “stand.” In discussing putting on the whole armor of God, Paul wrote, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore…” (Ephesians 6:13-14). Paul stressed the importance of being able to stand. My job is to teach you how to stand, even when culture is trying to push you in a different direction.

There will be many times in your life that you feel like a salmon swimming upstream going against current, while all the other fish are swimming downstream. Your friends may fill their lives up with sports activities or become obsessed with hobbies. Stand—and feed your soul.

God did not create you to simply be on this planet and have fun.

Many people try to fill the void in their life with hobbies and entertainment. But the only thing that can truly fill you is when you feed your soul.

If you find your life too busy please get into His Word and grow. I hear many sermons and many people talking about getting into God’s Word—but few actually take the time to dig deeply. Spend time observing God’s creation and praising Him. Spend time reflecting on how small you are in the grand scheme of things and give God thanks. Spend time evaluating your life, areas you fall short, and confess these weaknesses to Him. Spend time meditating on heaven and spending eternity with Him. Spend more time in prayer, allowing Jesus to intercede on your behalf. Spend time lamenting on those who are sick or suffering and look for ways to help them. In other words, feed your soul!

Let me encourage you, set aside the media that is trying to invade your lives and fellowship with others. Sit around a table with some friends and enjoy fellowshipping with them. Take meals to those who are shut-in or sick. Spend time sitting with them or listening to them talk about “the good old days.” Turn off the television and open your home up for Bible studies. In other words, feed your soul.

Look for ways to do good to others. Reach out to those who may be hurting financially. Join hands with those who are building homes for the less fortunate. Take time to do mission work. Get out and knock-doors or teach at a VBS. Feed your soul.

I should caution you that if you heed my advice you will find hobbies and sports do not fulfill you the way they used to—your heart will long for something more. You will crave real connections and activities that have a deeper purpose. You will begin to look at things differently. You will be actively living the life Christ intended you to live!

So, look for ways to feed your soul!

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