Solve this Problem

How Will God Solve this Problem?

There are those times in our lives when our problems seem far more than we can bear. We know His promise that we will not be tempted above our limit, but the future seems so uncertain and our faith seems so weak. We wonder how on earth we will be able to deal with our problems. If He would only let us know how it will all work out.

Moses was at such a point in his life. At age forty, he had confronted the disappointment of not fulfilling his expectation of leading Israel out of Egypt (Acts 7:23-25). By his own calculation, he had figured out that the time had arrived for the exodus, and he saw himself as the one God would use. Then, it happened. His dream became a nightmare. For the next forty years he was a shepherd, going from the palace to a tent!

Forty years later, God called him at the burning bush.  When he reluctantly accepted the call, he was told that the future would not be easy. Pharaoh would not be easily persuaded to listen to the words of God. Yet, Moses went to Egypt and was God’s instrument in the devastation of that nation. Things seemed to now be falling into place.

He led the Jews through the Red Sea and arrived at Mt. Sinai where God revealed Himself in ways never seen before.  The mountain was on fire and the earth shook as the voice of God revealed His Ten Commandments. Moses ascended the mount and talked to God face to face.

Then, it all happened. Imagine how Moses felt when he saw God get angry! Moses had seen His power, but now he saw the wrath of God. His wrath was so great against Israel and their calf! He was ready to destroy all of them. Had Moses not interceded the nation would have been destroyed (Ex. 32:10-14). Moses’ dream of being the one to lead His people was crashing to the earth.

God promised Moses that His angel would be with Moses in the rest of the journey (Ex. 32:34), but he wanted so much more. It was as though he said, “God, just tell me how you are going to do this.” His exact words were, “You have not let me know whom You will send with me” (Ex. 33:12).

Isn’t that the way we often feel when our world tumbles in! We know His promise, yet we so want to know the details! How is God going to solve the problem?

God’s answer? One phrase. “My presence will go with you.” It is as though God was saying to Moses, “I will keep my promises, but you do not need to know how.” His presence is enough. The details do not really matter. As you deal with your problems, think about God, Moses and his problem!

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