Snakes had Limbs?

Snakes had Limbs?

I read a headline today that said, “Prehistoric Snakes Had Limbs.” Evidently, some archaeologist dug up a fossilized body of a snake that had arms and legs. Those who know the Bible will not be shocked to discover this because part of God’s curse on the serpent in Genesis 3:14 was, “On your belly you shall go.” The implication of that seems to be that before this, serpents had some kind of arms and legs and did not crawl on their bellies. Of course, those who found the fossilized remains are claiming that they are “millions” of years old. It seems odd that scientists would find a fossil that verifies the Bible’s truthfulness about serpent biology, but then deny what the Bible says about geology. Why can’t they let the verification of God’s word extend to its claim about the age of the earth as well? Of course, if they did that, then they would have to rewrite decades of textbooks that proclaim evolutionary biology!snakes arms

Here’s the “secret” that evolutionists don’t want anyone to know. Even with all the billions of years that they claim happened in which evolution took place, they still don’t have enough time! This is why they have come up with theories such as punctuated equilibrium which says that at certain times in history evolution took great leaps forward where all of the laws of biology were ignored, and trillions of random beneficial mutations occurred. There is no evidence for that, but that is what must happen for their theory to be true. (It also makes great science fiction and comic books!) The biggest hurdle they face, however, is how life originated to begin with. Life just does not come from non-life, and something doesn’t come from nothing.

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